Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Religions Of Christianity And Judaism - 1934 Words

Dalai Lama, a well known monk, once said, There is no need for temples, no need for complicated philosophies. My brain and my heart are my temples; my philosophy is kindness. Religion shouldn t be a complicated topic. Religion requires the adherent to use their brain and heart as if it was their place of worship. The adherent s actions take place in the brain; their actions would be part of the worship. Religion is often associated with philosophy, which is unnecessary. Religion is not complicated. The adherent of Christianity or Judaism should have the mindset of kindness and nothing else. Although the religions of Christianity and Judaism are similar in viewing Jerusalem as a holy place, they differ in beliefs about God and symbols that represent their religion. A common similarity between Christianity and Judaism is their holy place. Christianity views Jerusalem as a place of holiness since it was where Jesus dwelled. Erica Chernofsky, a BBC News Reporter, observes that, â€Å"Ch ristians see Jerusalem as a holy place of Jesus s death, crucifixion, and resurrection† (Chernofsky,† 2014, par. 7). The death, crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus are three of the main events in Christianity. Jesus was crucified by being hung on a cross to die. Following death and crucifixion, Jesus rose from the death, which is known as resurrection. All of these events occurred in Jerusalem, which is the key to Christianity. This series of important events to Christianity caused JerusalemShow MoreRelatedReligion Comparison: Judaism and Christianity771 Words   |  4 PagesReligion has been taught as a set of beliefs that relates to the forces of nature, a cause, and purpose of the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a deity and/or associates. It would often contain a moral pull to themselves and onto others and creates the goodness they believe in and what they think what is right and what is wrong. 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